Research Links

This began as citations used in doing the research presented here. Some of those links died and other things were added later, so this is no longer a faithful list of the original Research Links.

Ridership Links

WTC Attacks And The Smart Growth Movement
"NC: Since the hijacking and crashing of four commercial airplanes recently, Amtrak has experienced record ridership. How do you think rail passenger service will be affected in the long term as a result of the recent attacks?
HT: Transit ridership was already increasing around the country before the attacks. Rail should experience a strong and sustained surge in ridership..."
Determining The Ridership Potential of Commuter Rail Routes (PDF)
Excerpt: "In evaluating potential ridership, we first took in to account the population within 1.6 kilometers of each of the alternative routes. This was followed by our analysis of selected subpopulations."
Among other things, this report explains that certain subpopulations tend to increase ridership -- a fact relevant to Solano County's rail plan.
Increasing Transit Ridership: Lessons from the Most Successful Transit Systems in the 1990s
Excerpts: "Of all of the economic indicators tested, transit ridership tracked most closely with personal income....While transit trips per capita were not highly correlated with either the unemployment rate (-0.16) or the real Gross Domestic Product (0.24), transit trips per capita during the 1990s were strongly correlated with changes in average real wages (0.70)"
"As noted in the previous chapter, there is an obvious, although not exact, relationship between service supply and ridership. In general, as service frequency and coverage increase, patronage grows as well. However, because the level of transit service provided is, to a large degree, a function of the demand for transit service, there is no guarantee that simply increasing service will result in corresponding ridership growth."
The Transit/Land Use Plan for Charlotte-Mecklenburg (Session Series: Integrating Land Use and Transportation)
This is a case study which explains in depth how location of commuter rail stations affects projected ridership. It also lists a number of Benefits and Costs, some of which may apply to The Alternate Plan proposed here for Solano County:
  • Reducing the total Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in the region, when compared to the business-as-usual (sprawl) scenario, by increasing the number of locations accessible by transit.
  • Making traffic management strategies more effective.
  • Helping the region to meet federal air quality requirements by slowing the growth of VMT.
  • Shortening travel times by using exclusive rights-of-way not impeded by vehicular traffic.
  • Providing housing and lifestyle choices less dependent on private auto use (largely unavailable now).
  • Maintaining the accessibility of the Center City.
  • Increasing regional growth potential.
  • Increasing mobility for all.
  • Improving accessibility to jobs and social services for the poor.
  • Reducing public infrastructure costs.
  • Creating new urban revitalization opportunities.

Environmental and Economic Analysis

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: River Corridor and Wetland Restoration: Benefits of Restoration
Basically, I think it's a good argument for not destroying a protected wetland:
"Wetlands provide food, protection from predators, and other vital habitat factors for many of the nation's fish and wildlife species, including endangered and threatened species. In addition, wetland ecotypes have economic value associated with recreational, commercial, and subsistence use of fish and wildlife resources and they remove pollutants from overland flows before they reach our lakes, rivers and bays.
Wetlands intercept storm runoff and release floodwaters gradually to downstream systems. When wetlands are converted to systems without water retention capacity, downstream flooding problems increase."
Federal Register: November 10, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 217)]
Excerpt: The Suisun Marsh is the largest contiguous brackish water wetland in California. It is an important wetland on the Pacific Flyway, providing food and habitat for migratory birds. This intricate mosaic of tidal wetlands, diked seasonal wetlands, sloughs, and upland grasslands comprises over 10 percent of the remaining wetlands in California and is an important part of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary. ...
Economic valuation of wetlands: a guide for policy makers and planners
From The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Valuing Urban Wetlands
Valuing Wetland Resources
Least Cost Transport Planning from International Bicycle Fund
Emerging Issues in Renewable Energy
First Skirmishes in the Battle of the Bases
Real Estate Development at Transit Stations: Seizing The Opportunity
Getting to Smart Growth: 100 Policies

Local Links (Solano County, cities therein, and regional)

Greenbelt Alliance: Solano-Napa
MTC Projects Ranked By Cost-Effectiveness
MTC Smart Growth
Solano Transit Authority doc (rail system)
STA doc 1
Solano Water
Technical Memorandum Rail Station Implementation Solano County Intercity Transit Plan
Unsprawl Case Study (Suisun City)
Wilbur-Smith Associates


Sustaining Public Involvement in Long Range Planning Using a Stakeholder Based Process: A Case Study from Eugene-Springfield Oregon
Sustainable Transportation
The Earth Council

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